Sunday, May 18, 2008


A water storage idea we were looking at for my parents house in melbourne, all the water is burried in the ground, a great space saver, but not sure how easy installation would be? i thought this related to domus as we were tring to figure out the best/ most efficient way to store water.. not sure if the foundations would be suitbale though, much of the ground is rocky and would be difficult to drill.

1 comment:

2A-2008-Alix-Muir-Smith said...

yeah, we looked at an underground water storage system as well, although we did wonder how we were going to dig a couple of meters underground + if there's a leak or an issue it means digging it back up. But at the same time, much more aesthetically pleasing than the water tanks which sit on stilts/any type of water tank that you can see?